Joshua Moroney
John Dronenburg
A page for Josh & John, where they are and what there doing!
Background picture, developing thunderstorm over India
I thought it about time to include a page on my site for Josh and John As their life events unfold I will update this page for our family and friends.
Josh 37 and John 34; not verses in the bible there ages...
Joshua Moroney and family:
Vacationing in Lake Havasu Arizona when Josh was about 8, Josh remarked he was moving to the desert. Some 10 years later he did. Moving to Phoenix for college. Only problem is he never moved back to Alaska, O well. Josh and Kasie now live in Mesa Arizona with Grace, Caden and Christopher.Grace is a sophomore High School and getting good grades. Grace is very active in sports, playing on a soccer team, swimming and listening to music.
Josh & Grace on vacation in Mexico Grace, school picture Grace & Caden
Living in Lake Havasu, one of the prim water sports venues on the Colorado River it's no surprise Josh has a boat to take full advantage of year around fun.
Josh with Okie Who says you can't work and play
Josh was born March 26, 1978, exactly 29 years later his son was born on the same day. March 26, 2007. A few days later I was able to arrange my schedule and spend 2 days with Josh, Kaise and family.
Welcome Caden James Moroney! Mom and Baby Kasie, Grace, Bruce, Caden, Josh. Christopher was not home
John & Sarah:
May 2004 John and Sarah gradated from AUA, were married and moved to Bethel Alaska. Since 2001 John has been flying for Artic Transportation through out Western Alaska. Flying a Cessna 207 and Casa 212. Sarah received her Paralegal certification and works for a law office in Bethel. Shortly after moving to Bethel John and Sarah bought a house. They plan to stay for a few years.
The Graduation that turned in to a wedding Diana John and Sarah In Bethel
John and Sarah travel to Anchorage almost monthly so we get to see a lot of them. Diana has made trips to Bethel, flying the Cessna 185 with tile for their entry way. John recently was awarded a Captain upgrade in the Casa 212. He is now type rated and flying Captain in the CA212. As of yet there are no grandchildren but Diana is patiently waiting.
Diana and John, Iditarod 2005 John and Sarah, dog handlers At home in Bethel John and Sarah welcomed their first, Charlotte Dec 2011. Now a precocious energetic 4 year old and a lot of fun. April 2014 Serena arrived and 1 2 looks to follow her sister.
Charlie 3rd B-day Diana & Charlie Charlie in C-185 Serena 1 year John and family are now living in Anchorage. January 2015 John joined Alaska Airlines as 1st officer flying between Alaska and across the nation. Sarah is a Paralegal with an established firm in Anchorage and the girls are growing fast.
**Home**Site design and maintained by Bruce MoroneyThis site was last updated 12/18/15